
Asia Pacific Foundation
for infectious Diseases

  • Center
  • Network Structure
  • Pediatric group


The Asian Network for Surveillance of Resistant Pathogens (ANSORP) is an independent, international research group for antimicrobial researches in the Asian region. ANSORP consists of over 120 centers in 14 countries/areas in Asia and Middle East as of 2019.

ANSORP Network Structure

  • Organizer

    Dr. Jae-Hoon Song

    CHA Bio Group

    GyongGi-do, Korea

  • Project Lead

    Dr. Doo Ryeon Chung

    Samsung Medical Center

    Seoul, Korea

  • Project Manager

    Dr. So Hyun Kim


    Seoul, Korea

  • Executive Committee

    Dr. Visanu Thamlikitkul

    Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University

    Bangkok, Thailand

  • Executive Committee

    Dr. Hui Wang

    Peking University People's Hospital

    Beijing, China

  • Executive Committee

    Dr. Cheng-Hsun Chiu

    Chang-Gung Children's Hosptial

    Taoyuan, Taiwan

Local Network Organizers (LNOs)

Country/Area Name Center
Korea Jae-Hoon Song CHA Bio Group
China Beijing - Adult Hui Wang Peking University People's Hospital
Beijing - Pediatrics Yonghong Yang Beijing Children's Hospital
Shanghai - Adult Shaoguang Huang Ruijin Hospital
Shanghai - Pediatrics Min Lu Shanghai Children's Hospital
Hong Kong Tin Yau Andrew Wong Princess Margaret Hospital
Taiwan Po-Ren Hsueh National Taiwan University Hospital
Japan Nobuyuki Shimono Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Thailand Visanu Thamlikitkul Siriraj Hospital
Singapore David Lye Tan Tock Seng Hospital Singapore
Malaysia Norazah Ahmad Institute for Medical Research
Indonesia TBD TBD
Vietnam Hung Van Pham University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Philippines Celia Carlos Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
India Veeraraghavan Balaji Christian Medical College and Hospital
Sri Lanka Jennifer Perera University of Colombo
Saudi Arabia Atef Shibl College of Medicine, Alfaisal University

ANSORP Pediatric group

ANSORP Pediatric group was organized in 2018 based on the successful completion of the first ANSORP pediatric study on pertussis (2014-2017). It was organized for more effective and active international collaboration in the field of pediatric infectious diseases. A total of 19 experts on pediatric infectious diseases from 8 Asian countries/areas have joined the ANSORP Pediatric group as of 2019.

    Pediatric group Lead

    Dr. Cheng-Hsun Chiu

    Chang-Gung Children's Hosptial

    Taoyuan, Taiwan

    Pediatric group Lead

    Dr. Yae-Jean Kim

    Samsung Medical Cente

    Seoul, Korea

    Pediatric group Advisor

    Dr. Ulrich Heininger

    University of Basel Children's Hospital

    Basel, Switzerland

ANSORP Pediatric group Members

Country/Area Name Center
Korea Yae-Jean Kim Samsung Medical Center
Sohee Son Samsung Medical Center
Su Eun Park Pusan National University Children's Hospital
China Yonghong Yang Beijing Children's Hospital
Kaihu Yao Beijing Children's Hospital
Min Lu Shanghai Children's Hospital
Japan Hiroyuki Moriuchi Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Akihiko Saitoh Niigata University Hospital
Taiwan Cheng-Hsun Chiu Chang-Gung Children's Hospital
Yi-Ching Chen Chang-Gung Childre's Hospital
Chun-Yi Lu National Taiwan University Hospital
Chi-Hsien Chuang St Paul Hospital
Singapore Koh Cheng Thoon KK Children and Women's Hospital
Si Min Chan National University of Singapore
Thailand Kulkanya Chokepaibulkit Siriraj Hospital
Wanatpreeya Phongsamart Siriraj Hospital
Sri Lanka Jennifer Perera University of Colombo
Kushlani Jayatilleke Sri Jayewardenapura General Hospital
India Veeraraghavan Balaji Christian Medical College & Hospital